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Our Sunday breaking of bread remembrance meeting and Bible hour meeting takes place at the hall on Price Street. These meetings also continue to be accessible via Zoom – please see the joining information.
As Christadelphians (which means ‘brothers in Christ’) we try to study, understand and follow the teachings contained in the Bible, which we believe to be the inspired word of God. We believe that God is our Father, and His son Jesus is our Lord and saviour.
We are people from all walks of life, bound together by a belief in the Gospel preached by the Lord Jesus Christ and his apostles in the first century.
Each week we remember the life, death and resurrection of our Lord in the way which he instructed, by sharing bread and wine. We also study Bible topics together at our Bible Class, and we give you a warm invitation to listen to talks on Bible subjects during our Bible Talk each Sunday. The young people enjoy learning from the Bible and spending time together during Sunday School, Youth Groups and other activities.
Please do browse through this website and consider the content. We are always pleased to welcome visitors so please come along and visit us on Price Street, and find out more.